Saturday, January 16, 2010

One can't collapse probability waves with closed eyes ∴ we dream

First step: watch this video
Second step: reassemble your shattered brain
Third step: rewatch the video if it pleases you
Fourth step: make a searching and fearless inventory of yourself

So class, what have we learned? Basically that Rob Bryanton is the only good thing about Regina. This video brings up many different possible discussion topics, which I plan on using as other blog posts sometime in the 4th quarter of 2015. But in this particular blog will focus on the probability of life, not the probability of life existing, but how our lives are made of probabilities.

Although I must stress the scientific legitimacy of this video because as far as I know, there is none. The experimentation and testing would be a tad difficult (1.21 gigawatts), but nonetheless it provides us with an entirely different way of viewing our life and time.

Basically what this theory is saying is that anything that can happen does happen, we only view one of the events happening. If I flip a coin there are three main probabilities that can occur: the can lands tails up, heads up, or on it's side. The probability of landing on it's side isn't likely but is included to understand this. Let's say you have a 48% chance of a tails, 48% of heads, and 2% chance of it landing on the side (I know that's not right). So when you flip a coin you could say your line of time gets separated into 100 other lines, 48 in which the coin lands heads up, 48 tails, and 2 on the side. So rather than 1 coin flip equaling one result, as occurring in an arrow line of time (as opposed to a branching tunnel view of time), 1 coin flip would yield 100 results, only one of which we see. This means that at every possible instant there are alternate lines of time branching off. As I sit here deciding what my next point should be, there is already a parallel Michael who has created that sentence, and from that Michael other numerous Michaels, maybe one who deleted the sentence.

This idea can seem a little farfetch (I'm not even sure if I have the idea explained correctly), feel free to do your best to disprove it as it seems more likely to disprove than prove (Hey, Jim I attached this here rope to my waist, I'mma hop on through the 6th dimension. If I'm yankin' on the rope it means pull me out cause this reality if infested with dinosaurs.) But it certainly a distinct way of viewing everything.


  1. Hi Michael, thanks for the post! I've added a link to this in my Interesting Links of the Imagining the Tenth Dimension blog.

    You've represented the basic idea well. My approach to visualizing how our reality is constructed owes a lot to Hugh Everett's Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, which views the universe as branching off into an infinity of possible states of varying probability. It also draws from the Copenhagen Interpretation, which suggests that an observer or measurement is important in determining the decoherency of the probability. I would say it's important to keep in mind that this assumes our reality is not continuous, but divided into planck-length-sized quanta, as this makes it easier to understand why physicists say the fifth dimension and above are curled up and tiny - it's because we can only view the fifth dimension and above through the "quanta" of our tiny little planck-length-sized window of observation.

    I have almost 300 other videos on youtube exploring the many ideas that spring from this starting point. The latest one is called "Beer and Miracles":

    One of my most popular text blogs recently has been What's Around the Corner, which looks at a slightly different approach to this way of visualizing the ten spatial dimensions:

    I hope you and your readers enjoy these further discussions. Thanks!


  2. Um I think you just blew my mind. I would love to experience what it feels like to have your brain one day Michael haha. Amazingly, I managed to sit through the video and understand it (as best as possible I suppose) and I have to say it makes me think in a completely different way. Oh boy I had no idea Theory of Knowledge would affect me so much. As usual, your blog kicks my blog's butt and I'm jealous. This kind of thing makes me want to see what is going on in all the other branches... and its driving me crazy.

  3. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
    my conclusion is that this is silly.
